FOR SALE - Life Magazine Life At War - The Photographer Under Fire
Life Magazine Special Edition. First Printing 1985. Life At War - The Photographer Under Fire. Hardcover magazine with condition 8.5/10 without any pen/pencil marks. Price RM 800.00 NETT. not included postage.
Contains the famous Nick Ut’s photograph on page 162*, of a naked 9-year-old girl running toward the camera to flee a South Vietnamese napalm attack on invading North Vietnamese at the Trảng Bàng village during the Vietnam War.
Interested buyer/collector can email me at lukmanw@gmail.com

*June 8, 1972 – It was on this day near the Vietnamese village of Trang Bang that photographer Nick Ut (Huynh Cong Ut) snapped one of the most powerful images of the war.
Moments after a South Vietnamese plane dropped a napalm bomb, civilians began to emerge from the flaming homes and fields. One of these fleeing survivors was a 9-year-old girl named Phan Thị Kim Phúc. She was naked and her back was severely burned.
The image of the little girl served as a brutal reminder to the American public about the horrific events that were happening every day in the faraway war. The photograph would win a Pulitzer Prize.
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