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Dad of 18 can take fourth wife
By R.S.N. MURALI, The Star, 1-July-2008
By R.S.N. MURALI, The Star, 1-July-2008
KUALA TERENGGANU: After three futile attempts, an odd-job worker walked out of the Syariah High Court here beaming after it granted him permission to marry his newfound sweetheart who is 16 years his junior.
In giving Mohamed Nor Awang the nod yesterday to marry Suzi Sulong, 34, judge Sheikh Ahmad Ismail Hakim noted that his three wives had consented to him taking a fourth wife.
Sheikh Ahmad also cited Mohamed’s perseverance in appearing three times before the court – on March 16, May 15 and May 18 – to appeal his case, as one of the factors for the court to grant its consent.
“To be frank with you, before this proceeding, I met your future wife and her family and urged them to look for another candidate as you already have three wives, but Suzi told me that no man could replace you in her heart,” the judge told Mohamed.
Sheikh Ahmad admitted that the court found it difficult to grant him permission at first due to that fact that he might not be able to maintain four wives on his monthly RM3,000 income.
“But your three wives told the court they are willing to help each other out (financially), which shows there is cooperation among them,” he said in delivering his judgement.
Sheikh Ahmad said the court also took into consideration Mohamed’s plea that his work performance would be affected should the court denied his application.
The proceeding yesterday recorded statements from two witnesses who vouched for Mohamed’s ability to maintain a fourth wife on the supplementary income that he obtained from recycling abandoned wood.
Mohamed, 51, has 18 children, the youngest three years old, with his three wives, Wan Rukiah Mat Yusoff, 52, Kalthum Dollah, 39, and Noraini Daud, 40.

GEMBIRA: Mohamed Nor menunjukkan isyarat empat selepas permohonannya untuk mengahwini isteri keempatnya, Suzi Sulong diluluskan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah, Kuala Terengganu, semalam.
Pemandu dibenar kahwin ke-4
Oleh Hanneeyzah Bariah Baharin, Berita Harian, 1-Julai-2008
Oleh Hanneeyzah Bariah Baharin, Berita Harian, 1-Julai-2008
Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah ambil kira sokongan 3 isteri, kesungguhan Mohamed Nor KUALA TERENGGANU: Setelah empat kali berulang alik ke mahkamah, hasrat seorang pemandu lori, Mohamed Nor Awang, 57, dari Kampung Tok Fakir, Merchang, Marang, dekat sini, untuk memiliki isteri keempat akhirnya tercapai.
Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah, Shaikh Ahmad Ismail dalam penghakimannya, berkata mahkamah meluluskan permohonan Mohamed Nor selepas mengambil kira kesungguhannya yang sanggup hadir ke mahkamah sebanyak empat kali bagi menyelesaikan perkara berkenaan.
Selain itu, kata Shaikh Ahmad, mahkamah turut mengambil kira sokongan tiga isteri, bakal isteri, Suzi Sulong, 34, dan saksi yang dibawa Mohamed Nor semalam.
Didoakan Abang Mat kita berbahagia ke hingga akhir hayat. Didoakan juga Abang Mat “tak jadi P.Ramlee”!
Madu Tiga
P. Ramlee
Madu Tiga
P. Ramlee
Senangnya dalam hati
Kalau beristeri dua
Terasa dunia ini
Ana yang punya
Kepada isteri tua
Ana sayang padanya
Kepada isteri muda
I say i love you
( korus )
Isteri tua merajuk
Balik kerumah isteri muda
Kalau dua-dua merajuk
Ana kahwin tiga
Mesti pandai pembohong
Mesti pandai temberang
Tetapi jangan sampai
Hai pecah tembelang
( ulang dari korus )
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